Top Knee Replacement Treatment in Mumbai - Ace Medicare
Do you have persistent knee discomfort and limited knee mobility? Consult our knowledgeable and highly skilled orthopaedic surgeons in mumbai for a thorough examination and modern robotic knee replacement surgery to get optimum mobility. The Knee Replacement surgery costs in mumbai range from Rs. 180,000 to Rs. 450,000 on average.
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What is Knee Replacement Surgery?
Knee replacement surgery, or knee arthroplasty, resurfaces a damaged knee joint. Orthopaedic specialists recommend it for severe arthritis, bone tumors, or serious knee injuries. Seek expert care with knee replacement in mumbai for effective treatment and improved knee health.
The purpose of minimally invasive knee replacement surgery is to resurface damaged areas of the knee joint and to relieve chronic or persistent knee pain that is not managed by non-surgical therapy. In contrast to typical complete knee replacement surgery, minimally invasive knee replacement surgery is appropriate for all individuals. Consult ace medicare's highly qualified orthopaedic surgeons who specialise in minimally invasive orthopaedic surgery such as total knee replacement, hip replacement, and so on.
Knee replacement surgery is a frequent but substantial orthopaedic procedure used to replace the knee's damaged or worn-out surfaces. During the procedure, the orthopaedic surgeon will use an implant to replace these damaged or worn-out surfaces. This will reduce discomfort and promote mobility, allowing for more knee motion. Contact ace medicare to schedule a free consultation with the finest knee replacement surgeons in mumbai to receive relief from long-term knee pain and stiffness.
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Knee Replacement Surgery using Minimal Invasive Techniques
Ace medicare has a team of highly skilled knee surgeons in mumbai. Before knee replacement surgery, the doctor will do a physical examination and request that you undergo several diagnostic tests, such as-
These imaging tests will aid in the identification of the illness, and the surgeon will recommend the best treatment choice for you depending on the findings of the tests.
Knee Replacement Surgery
The scientifically proven implants are placed through a tiny incision using updated procedures and surgical equipment during the knee replacement process. Minimally invasive knee replacement surgery is conducted through a single tiny 3- to 4-inch incision rather than a bigger 8- to 12-inch incision as in typical knee replacement surgery.
Minimally invasive knee replacement surgery may result in improved knee mobility and motion sooner after the operation, less blood loss during the procedure, a faster and simpler recovery, a much smaller scar, and a shorter hospital stay.
Knee joint replacement can put an end to persistent knee pain and stiffness. Schedule an appointment with ace medicare's knee replacement surgeon in mumbai.