Everything you need to know about PCOS
Are you experiencing infrequent menstruation cycles and observing uncanny changes in your body with every passing month? If yes, there is a high chance that you are showing early symptoms of PCOS. But you do not have to panic, it is common and treatable. So, let’s dive deeper and learn about the PCOS symptoms and treatment plan.
What is PCOS?
Today PCOS has become a common term among menstruating women. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrine disorder with symptoms that often remain undetected until later. It is a condition where ovaries secrete an abnormal amount of androgen (male sex hormones) that is present in women but in low amounts. The causes of developing this disorder can range from heredity to bad lifestyle choices. However, a harmful lifestyle and unhealthy eating or dietary practices still top the list.
Symptoms of PCOS
Although PCOS symptoms are subject to negligence, it is crucial to keep a check on the minor changes that often are the most basic symptoms of this disorder. Here is a list of symptoms that result in PCOS:
- Irregular periods: PCOS causes irregular periods. Women with PCOS may have fewer periods, or their periods may be very heavy or light.
- Excessive hair growth: Are you observing a sudden growth in facial hair? You may be experiencing one of the pertaining symptoms of PCOS. PCOS can cause excessive hair growth on the face, chin, chest, back, or other areas of the body. This is known as hirsutism.
- Hair Loss: Of the many symptoms the most frustrating is hair loss. PCOS also leads to male-pattern baldness or hair thinning.
- Skin Tags: PCOS also leads to the growth of small pieces of excess skin on the neck or the armpit.
- Acne: Women with PCOS may experience acne on their face, chest, or back.
- Weight gain: One of the major symptoms that cannot be overlooked is weight gain. PCOS can cause weight gain, especially around the waist. So if you observe a drastic change in your body weight, you may be one of the few symptoms of PCOS.
- Mood swings: PCOS can cause mood swings, depression, and anxiety.
- High cholesterol: Another symptom of PCOS is high cholesterol levels. Women with PCOS may have high levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol and low levels of HDL (good) cholesterol.
Identifying PCOS is difficult as it presents a host of symptoms. Thus, if you are experiencing any of the above-mentioned differences in your body, it is best to visit your nearest doctor today and get a hold of the problem.
Treatment for PCOS
Unfortunately, PCOS cannot be cured but the effects of the symptoms can be reduced to a great extent by following a few methods. Here are a few ways in which you can tone down the symptoms:
- Lifestyle changes: Giving up on unhealthy habits such as smoking, drinking, or having an imbalanced sleep cycle can help you reduce the symptoms of PCOS.
- Eating healthy: One of the easiest ways to maintain a healthy way of living is by consuming a well-balanced diet.
- Exercising regularly: Exercising, yoga, or stretching helps in keeping the symptoms in check.
However, for better guidance, it is always advisable to visit your doctor at the earliest.
So do not let this issue get the better of you. Learn about PCOS symptoms and treatment, visit your healthcare provider, and take care of yourself.