Paediatric Dental Care: Types of Essential Preventive Treatments!
Dental issues are a common problem in children of all ages. According to WHO, 514 million children worldwide suffer from oral conditions like tooth decay. The primary reasons behind this are excessive consumption of sugary food items, plaque and fluoride deficiency.
Besides, children start shedding their milk teeth within six to seven years of age. These teeth lay the solid foundation for permanent teeth. Hence, if the underlying problem is left untreated, that can become a cause of concern in the long run. However, most parents mistakenly think the milk tooth will fall anyway and often underestimate the importance of regularly taking their child to the paediatric dentist. In this article, we will discuss all those remedies that timely medical intervention can provide, safeguarding your child's beautiful smile.
Dental Problems in Children and Their Effective Solutions!
Worrying about your child's oral health? The following dental procedures can offer the best solutions:
- Dental Fillings: It is the best means to tackle problems like cavities or caries. In this preventive treatment, the doctor removes the infected area of the child's tooth and fills the same with silver amalgam or ceramic porcelain. Generally, the patient is put under anaesthesia as the process continues.
- Sealants: For small kids learning to brush properly, take time. They find it difficult to reach the molars situated at the back of the mouth. If proper care is not taken to remove the build-up, it can result in cavities and tooth decay. Nonetheless, sealants work like magic here, creating a shield around the teeth to protect the teeth against plaque and other dental diseases.
- Fluoride Treatment: Children are very much fond of chocolate, candies, ice creams etc. But they often do not brush their teeth after consuming such sugary foods. This gives rise to bacteria and produces acids inside the mouth, causing harmful effects on your little one's teeth. Fluoride treatment is an effective measure to curb this problem, though the paediatric dentist will decide whether or not the treatment is necessary for your child.
- Root Canal: If your child has a severely infected tooth that causes tremendous pain, the doctor might not want to go for a tooth extraction but save that infected tooth. Yes! Extraction can cause damage to your infant's gum and jaw structure. That is why a root canal is the best option to seek. Here, the dentist removes the dead pulp or tissue inside the tooth, thus clearing the infection. Also, a crown is fitted on the tooth to enhance its survival rate.
- Braces & Aligners: Children may face orthodontic issues like crooked, overcrowded or overlapped teeth as the milk teeth fall and new ones grow. Also, malocclusion or 'bad bite' is another problem that needs special attention. Clear aligners or braces are effective devices that orthodontists use to treat such problems.
As parents, you definitely want your kids to be healthy and happy. But sensitive teeth can cause serious trouble, leading your beloved child to poor oral health and misaligned teeth. Of course, developing good dental habits are essential to keep diseases at bay. Nonetheless, if you are looking for the best dentist for your little one, renowned healthcare organisations can be your guiding star. Visit their official website and fill out the inquiry form to book an appointment.